Channel is something that passes messages between stakeholders. Channels can transform/enrich and aggregate messages.
Channels can be:
For example, a book might be considered as a message addressing potential readers’ concerns. It is delivered over the publisher channel (LeanPub, Amazon), which is:
This section contains examples of channels in a software development enterprise consisting of human and automation stakeholders. While it might be argued that an automation stakeholder is a resource, we’ll consider it as a stakholder because it can receive messages and act on them including sending other messages.
Version control systems like Git (GitHub, GitLab) can be considered a distributed event store and stream-processing platform similar to Apache Kafka.
Commit is an event/message, branches are streams of commits. Both humans and automated agents may receive messages by polling (pull) or pushing (web hooks).
Sample scenario:
There are two demos of the above scenario - retrieving sources from GitLab, generating a test case using OpenAI, committing generated code and creating a merge request:
Version control system can be also used to pass “messsages” - files - to a web browser. Examples:
An issue tracking system like GitHub issues or Jira may also be considered as a channel with issues being messages.
In the above example, an automated AI assistant may:
In the above example there are multiple recipients of the message (issue):
A Maven repository can be used to pass generated documentation “messaages” to development environments such as Eclipse and web browsers using solutions like as an intermediary channel.
P2 repositories can be used to deliver integrated documentation “messages” - bundles/plugins - to Eclipse IDE including Eclipse Help System server.