Stakeholder is some entity having interest in Enterprise achieving (or not achieving) its mission. That entity might be a person, organization, automated agent. Parties participating in the enterprise are stakeholders by definition - they have an interest in achieving the mission.

For example, a guy goes fishing. His wife is interested whether he catches anything because it affects what she’d need to cook for dinner. And maybe she hopes that he wouldn’t catch anything, so she doesn’t have to clean the fish and the eat it - she might prefer chicken or beef. Both of them are stakeholders. The guy is a single-stakeholder enterprise - so he is both an enterprise with a mission to catch fish and a participating stakehodler with an interest to catch fish. This enterprise also has resources - fishing rods, bait, boat, … The wife is a stakeholder as well, although she is not involved into the enterprise operations - buying bait, fueling the boat, catching fish, …

To achieve the enterprise mission stakeholders separate concerns and collaborate by exchanging messages over communication channels.

Even a single stakeholder may have multiple concerns and send messages to self over different channels. For example, create a shopping list (message) in a mobile application (channel) and a TODO list (message) in a paper planner (channel).